Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Granular base material produced by reclaiming existing hydraulic cement concrete and processing the materials to make a new aggregate. Permitted in Granular base and sub-base materials in OPSS 1010 with restrictions.
Graded product consisting of mostly fines with 40% balance of chip-like product.
Granular B
Type II
Granular sub-base material typically underlaying Granular A. Provides structural stability. Used in roads, parking lots, and driveway construction.
Granular B
Type I
Well-graded product meeting provincial specifications (OPSS 1010). Mixtures of sand and gravel or crushed rock, reclaimed cement concrete, reclaimed asphalt pavement. 100% passing by mass through the 150 mm (6 inch) sieve. Available in limestone and gravel sources.
Rip Rap
Quarried material with sub-angular faces.
Structural Sand
Sand based structural soil. A fine gradation material that is ideal for structural footings, pads and backfill.
Granular material graded to meet provincial or application specifications, ranging in size from 4.75 mm to 0.075mm resulting from natural disintegration of rock or from crushing of rocks.
High Stability Sand
Coarse manufactured sand, 100% crushed, washed. Processed fine aggregate produced by crushing bedrock or containing crusher screenings.
Granular A
Well-graded product meeting provincial specifications (OPSS 1010). Mixtures of sand, crushed gravel or rock, reclaimed cement concrete, reclaimed asphalt pavement, 100% passing by mass through the 26.5 mm (1 inch) sieve. 8% limit on fines, 10% on quarried material.
1/4" Chip
Washed product with little to no dust fractions. 1/4" Chip is approved under the Building Materials Evaluation Commission for use beneath floors, top and sides of drain pipes and tile as required under 1997 Ontario Building Code.
19mm Clear Stone
Clear stone with most sizes between 5mm – 20mm, with very little to no dust fractions. Both quarried or gravel sources
Quarried material with sub-angular faces.
Large Armour Stone
Quarried product produced through specified blasting yielding a blocky texture.
Flamboro Dark Armour Stone
Quarried product produced through specified blasting technique yielding a blocky texture. Flamboro Dark (TM) armour stone is known for it’s unique colour.